
Simple jigsaw guide for a smooth cut

To smoothly cut a workpiece from wood using a jigsaw, you can use a simple guide, which is easy to make with your own hands. If the jigsaw also moves away from the guide, then the reason most likely is not “crooked hands”, but the stem backlash or the file defect. To make the guide, the author uses plywood - the most popular material.

Easter bird and easter bunny

On the eve of the holiday of Easter, I had an idea about what can be done before the holiday, except for traditional Easter cakes and egg painting, for decoration. And it occurred to me to make a toy Easter bunny, a bird and an openwork cross that could bring a pleasant change to life. For their manufacture, I took a blue fabric, threads, frills, pinning needles, filler (cotton), blue and red rhinestones, cardboard, yellow and pink nail polish, and also a folder - a folder, paper tape, scissors, reliable glue, two white beads, transparent beads and blue fabric.

Packing with a rose for a bottle of wine

Often as a gift or as a guest, we choose a bottle of good wine. For gourmets of this ancient and not lost in the present drink such a gift will be a joy. Or maybe someone will suit the collection (this is for those who always have a good set of alcohol in the bar for connoisseurs). To make the gift look even more attractive, it would be nice to pick up the original packaging for a bottle of wine.

How to remove a broken bolt or stud from a deep hole

When a bolt or stud breaks off and remains deep in the hole, the position seems hopeless. This happens if: apply excessive force to the key; the hardware turned out to be defective (for example, the presence of an internal microcrack); the tightening was greater than the permissible value; during operation, souring (oxidation) of the threaded connection occurred.

Carnival Hat

New Year's Eve is always bright and fun. I propose to diversify our triumph, remembering the old custom to arrange a carnival night on December 31. Of course, for a real carnival, making a costume yourself is very difficult. It is necessary to work hard on its manufacture and think over every little thing.

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Brooch on may 9

Victory Day is widely celebrated today in Russia. On this great day, Russians proudly put on their St. George ribbon for their ancestors. This jewelry has become very popular, given the recent rise in patriotism. And of course, everyone wants to please themselves and others with a luxurious accessory on their chest on this significant day.

Wedding Disc Box

A wedding is a very magical and romantic holiday in the life of every young couple. For most, a wedding is considered to be a celebration and an event that happens once and for a lifetime. Therefore, you understand that you need to prepare it, organize it and conduct it at the highest level in order to be remembered for a lifetime.

Soft envelope for a wedding disk

To make such an envelope for a disc, we need to take: * Two binding blanks measuring 15 * 15 cm; * Fabric in mint green with flowers, 100% cotton; * Sintepon; * Glue "Scotch effect"; * Paper napkin felling from a thick cardboard of white color; * Mint hollow heart with a mint color; * Satin ribbon 25 mm wide mint color; * Picture with the newlyweds; * White fabric flower; * Chiffon roses on a white ribbon; * Mint cotton lace 35 mm wide; * Stamp "Happy Wedding Day", green ink; * Mint color scrapbook paper, sheet 30 * 30 cm; * Cutting down champagne and beige glasses; * Mint large poppy; * White latex and mint light roses; * Brads metal with a brilliant stone; * Hole puncher; * White cardboard; * Glue stick; * Semi-pearl small beige color with a diameter of 3 mm; * Scissors, double-sided tape, ruler, pencil, thermal gun.

How to clean a tea press from tea plaque

Not so long ago, in the everyday life of the inhabitants of our country, such a convenient device as a French press appeared. Originally created for making coffee, the easy-to-use device from a glass flask, a piston with a strainer and a lid fell in love with the Russians for its ability to perfectly squeeze the infusion when brewing regular or herbal tea.

Safety socket on power tool extension cord

Any homemade extension cord can be modified and thereby extend the "life" of the power tool. This article will discuss how to make a separate outlet with a soft start for a grinder, a circular saw and other power tools, which is often used in a workshop or at home. The process of manufacturing a safe outlet The most affordable and optimal option that will help extend the life of the power tool is to use a soft starter.

Newspaper tube ottoman

A very popular hobby - weaving from newspaper tubes - allows you to make not just decorative baskets, but also quite practical things. For example, a ottoman for a child: on it my son sits with pleasure while watching cartoons. The idea is not mine, spied on the expanses of Runet, the performance is simple, even a novice master weaving from newspaper tubes can handle it.

Stereo FM transmitter from MP3 player

Not so long ago, a Chinese manufacturer developed this device for the happy owners of cassette recorders, who do not have enough money to buy a normal MP3 player. Cheap and cheerful - it is relatively cheap (I took for 200 rubles), while it has several advantages including a remote control.

Mini wire cutting machine

With this home-made tool, you can quickly chop aluminum or copper wire of different thicknesses into pieces of the desired length. You can, of course, bite off the wire with ordinary wire cutters, but this is not always convenient, and your hands will get tired (especially if you need to chop a large number of "shorties").

Do-it-yourself universal keyless clamp

Keyless clamps save time when performing large volumes of work. And it is not necessary to buy these clamps in the store - you can make them yourself from improvised materials. The home-made quick-clamping clamp, which was made by the author, will be especially useful when processing a large number of workpieces of the same thickness.

Swing hoist for building materials

Sometimes in the process of building a house, bathhouse or other structures on the site, rubble, sand, cement and other bulk building materials must be carried manually from the place of their storage or unloading directly to the construction site. This takes a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to climb stairs or paths up.

Do-it-yourself sealed container for kindling

Trinket containers, as a rule, are very small so that they are more convenient to carry with keys. Such capsules are intended primarily for transporting tablets. For people who need constant medication. But this interesting little thing can be purchased not only for pills and tablets.

Decorating PVC pipes for natural wood

PVC pipes are used for heating, water supply, drainage from roofs and the creation of various crafts. With such great advantages, they have a huge drawback - unsightly appearance. As a result of communication, they have to be hidden in boxes or strobes. The unattractiveness of gray pipes is a removable drawback, since the surface of PVC can be decorated under a tree.