Do-it-yourself massage mat for baby


As you know, the child’s body is very good at perceiving any effects on it. Therefore, the sooner you begin to develop a child, the more fruitful the process will be. A massage mat for the child’s feet will allow a mechanical effect on the sole of the child’s feet. This is the prevention of flat feet. Blood circulation also improves, immunity, the general physiological and psychological state of the child's body are strengthened.
Only massage mats are not so cheap. However, they can be made independently.
To make a massage mat for a child, you will need the following things:
1. A cut of dense fabric. but do not forget that this is still a children's rug, so it is best to choose a fabric of bright colors or with an interesting pattern.

2. Super glue. It is much more convenient than PVA glue, and the result will be more durable. But, of course, super glue can be different. Most preferred is not a disposable bottle, but a large one. Firstly, it will last longer. Secondly, it is most convenient to use.

3. And plastic bottle caps for lemonade. Photo 3 You can also use the lids from the boxes of milk and kefir, and other dairy products. And also from under drinks, such as Actimel or Immune. Some of them also have internal vertical inserts, this makes it possible to use the rug even more efficient. And the height of the lids is different, which is necessary for a good impact on the foot.

Manufacturing process.
The process of making such a rug is quite simple. The prepared fabric should be ironed, since then it will be impossible to do so. Thoroughly wash the prepared lids so that they are absolutely clean. After all, still the rug is made for the child.
Lids should be glued with the convex side to the fabric. This is necessary so that the thin walls of the lid act on the nerve endings located on the foot of the children's foot. You can glue the lids according to a pre-designed picture. At the same time, it is worth carefully distributing the colors so that the lids of the same color are not in one place.

Having coated the surface of the lid with glue, it is worth immediately putting it on the fabric so that it sticks. This should be done with each cap. When all the covers are glued to the fabric, the massage mat will be ready.

In addition to covers, buttons can also be used. But then the cost of the mat will be somewhat more expensive. And so with minimal cost, a beautiful and comfortable massage mat for the child turned out.


Watch the video: Baby toys ideas Winter. Felt fingers massage mat Velcro. Sensory toys autism. Handmade (January 2025).