Long Rose Earrings


Every day, more and more people tend to make things with their own hands. It is not only practical and convenient, but also stylish. After all, it is hardly possible to find a similar thing somewhere. Everything can be learned, there would be a desire. Therefore, I want to offer a master class on making bead earrings using the brick stitch technique. They will be in perfect harmony with a black or red dress. For girls, this is ideal, as their production will not take much time.
Necessary materials:
- red beads No. 10 - 3 g;
- black beads No. 10 - 6 g;
- fishing line 0.2 mm - 4 m;
- earrings - 2 pcs.;
- bead needle;
- scissors;
- pliers.
And so, let's begin our master class.
1. In order for you to feel comfortable and do not hurt your hands from work, you need to properly prepare the workplace. Remove all excess items from the table. Immediately prepare all the necessary materials.

2. The "Brick Stitch" bead technique is, in fact, not very complicated. But for beginners it can create difficulties. Therefore, I will focus on proper weaving in order to tell you in more detail. First you need to measure 1 m of fishing line and pass it into a needle. So that the collected beads do not hang out, we will make a stop bead. It is best to take it in a different color. In our case, it will be white. We pass through it several times so that it is tightly fixed. Now we begin our weaving. On the fishing line we collect such a number of beads: 2 black, 2 white, 4 black.

3. Now hold well the side of the fishing line on which all the beads are. Now we need to “build houses”, so that the beads stand in a column, that is, a hole up. Insert the needle from below into the second bead, as shown in the photo.

Then we pass into the third, only from above.

And so weave to the end of the row. It turns out that we are, as it were, making a snake in our movements. In the end, you should get this result.

4. During the weaving of the earring, we will both add and reduce the amount of beads. To do this is not at all difficult. We collect 1 black and 1 red beads on the needle. Through the beads now we will not pass. We are only interested in the fishing line above them. The collected beads are displayed through the first opening of the fishing line and insert the needle into the second collected bead. It should be like this.

At the end of the row, in order to add one bead, you need to supplement the row with different beads two times. That is, it turns out that in the last opening of the fishing line we add 1 black and 1 red bead, but each in turn.

In order to reduce beads, you need to add only one bead to the opening of the line, both at the beginning and at the end. Follow the diagram below.

The base flower is ready. You need to make an eyelet for attaching the shvenza. In the center add 6 black beads and lock in a loop. This is what the whole process looks like.

Now it remains for us to make a fringe to give the flower velvety. The color scheme may be at your discretion. Any variations will look. The photo below shows how to fix the fringe. At the end of each row, you need to make a ring, passing the needle into the first red bead of 8.

Everything, the earring is almost ready. It remains with the help of round-nose pliers to attach the shvenza. And here is the result.

Exactly the same principle, make the second earring. And you will get such beauty here.

Be always unsurpassed and beautiful. Wear these earrings with pleasure.


Watch the video: Tutorial: Rose Gold Hoop Earrings (October 2024).