How to install roller blinds on a plastic window


Did you buy roller blinds on a plastic window, but didn’t find the instructions for installing them in the kit? In this review you will find all the necessary information.

Roller blinds (they are fabric blinds) are a window sun protection system, which consists of a canvas and a movable shaft.

In this case, the author attaches the roller blind to the balcony door, but if you need to install it directly on a plastic window, then do the same.

First, determine the width. To do this, using a tape measure, measure the distance between the side glazing beads located on the balcony door.

After that we take a pencil and put marks for the future cut.

Using a long building level or rule and a clerical knife, we cut off the excess piece from the fabric roleta.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, it will be necessary to cut a piece from the metal shaft on which the web is wound. This can be done using a grinder or a hand saw for metal.

Please note that trimming should be done so that the shaft protrudes 5 mm relative to the curtain material.

The wooden plank, which is installed at the bottom, also needs to be made shorter by 5 mm than the fabric cloth.

The fact is that the plastic plugs that will be installed at the ends of the wooden battens have their own thickness and compensate for the missing half a centimeter.

Next, proceed to the assembly. To do this, we lay out all the available parts in the order in which they should be installed. Then we collect.

When installing directly on the balcony door, it is imperative to check that the lace of the opening shutters hangs exactly down.

At the same time, the connecting element of the chain should be in place (see photo below).

The lower part of the cloth during installation should not lie on the floor. It is also important to control the verticality of the installation - roleta should fully cover all the glazing from top to bottom.

At the last stage, we establish a platform with a chain for adjusting the roller blind.

The mechanism is installed with a slight stretch, fixing it on a double-sided tape, 1 cm backward from the edge of the cloth.

For details on how to install roller blinds (fabric blinds) on a plastic window with your own hands, see the video on our website.



Watch the video: How to put up a roller blind (October 2024).