Simple and convenient template for drilling dowel holes


When drilling holes in wooden dowels, accuracy is very important, otherwise the connection of the parts will not be tight enough or will be offset to the side, which is unacceptable during furniture assembly.

Therefore, for this it is necessary to use special devices. In this case, the author suggests making a simple and easy-to-use template for precise drilling of dowel holes.

First of all, it will be necessary to prepare two pieces of plywood with a thickness of about 30-40 mm. From them will be made a homemade template for drilling holes for wooden dowels.

The main stages of work

Next, the master fastens two plywood bars with double-sided tape, makes a marking and drills three holes at an equal distance from each other. And after that, the blanks will need to be disconnected.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to press the sections of tubes of suitable diameter into the drilled holes. Moreover, they should protrude above the surface of the bars by about 1-2 cm.

Between two bars you need to glue a piece of fiberboard or other dense material. And thanks to this design, it will be possible to drill holes in two parts at once, which will save time.

For more information on how to make a simple and convenient template for drilling precise holes for wooden dowels with your own hands, see the video on the website.


Watch the video: Make a Anywhere Right-Angle Drill Guide. Tricks of the Trade (October 2024).