Original Keychain Opener


From metal waste, which any master does not have enough, you can make many different utilities. For example, the original keychain opener.

Find in your bucket of "garbage" a suitable metal piece in size and make a useful trinket out of it.

In the beginning, we will use the ruler and marker to mark the future keyring, picking up a shape to your taste - for example, a classic rectangular one.

Clamping the workpiece in a vice or fixing it with a clamp to the table, we cut off the excess with the grinder, giving the workpiece a meaningful shape.

The main stages of work

We process the workpiece on a belt grinder and sharpen the edge. Then we draw and cut out a depression with a grinder. Next, we remove the burrs using a file for metal and a nozzle for a drill. We drill a hole for the ring.

Next, we try to give the workpiece the appropriate symbolic shape by grinding the edges. Now you need to harden the product. We do this with two gas burners. Heat red, then dip in oil.

Shine with fine sandpaper and continue. In this case, the keychain represents the coffin lid, so we sculpt a cross on it using the metal etching method. First, apply a special paste to the surface, then immerse it in the prepared solution.

Now the homemade keychain opener is ready, you can put a ring on the product and hang it on a bunch of keys or simply attach a carbine. And most importantly - do not rush to throw metal waste from the workshop, they are still useful for the embodiment of many interesting ideas and the creation of very original designs!


Watch the video: Original Snake Bite Bottle Opener Functions (October 2024).