Vintage letter


An old-style letter is a great way to please your soul mate, because it combines an elegant and unusual appearance with touching and sincere words coming from the heart. To create such a letter we will need: a sheet of white paper, a pen, black ink, a lighter, instant coffee and a ribbon. However, instead of a pen and carcass, you can use the usual black pen, and coffee can be replaced with a strong brew.

The old letter, most likely, has come a long way and therefore it cannot be absolutely smooth and clean, so we need to crumple a sheet of paper slightly.

One of the characteristic features of the old letter is yellowed paper, so we will begin with the coloring of the sheet we have. In order to give the paper a yellow-brown tint, it should be placed in tea leaves or coffee.

The intensity of staining, in this case, will depend both on the length of time the paper stays in the dye, and on its concentration. For example, a sheet of paper dipped in a thick coffee mug will be painted in literally one or two minutes and its color will be saturated, while paper dipped in a weak tea leaves will only turn slightly yellow.
The painted sheet of paper should be removed from the container in which it was located and dried in air.

After the paper dries a little, you need to iron the sheet with an iron. This will smooth the paper and make it more convenient for writing text.

Now you can proceed to further aging of the paper: tear the sheet a little, drip wax on it or even leave prints on it from a mug of hot coffee.

To make the paper even older, you can lightly burn the edges of the sheet with a lighter. At the same time, great care should be taken: you need to burn paper near a container of water so that you can quickly extinguish its edges and not accidentally burn most of the sheet.

Now that the paper is ready, you can start writing the letter itself. Of course, it is best to use black ink and a feather for this, because in this case the text will look more ancient and authentic. However, it is quite possible to use a fountain pen or even a regular black gel pen.
To make the text of the letter look old, it is worth using the rounded fonts characteristic of the past centuries with many bends and curls. Of course, not everyone knows the art of calligraphy, so you can pre-print the text on a printer and only then transfer it to a prepared aged sheet of paper. In this case, the letters will turn out to be perfectly even and beautiful, and the text itself will be in harmony with the paper in style.

After the text has been written and the ink has dried, you can gently roll the paper into a tube and tie it with tape. Instead of a ribbon, you can also use ordinary coarse twine - this will give the old message some simplicity and at the same time it will not spoil its appearance.


Watch the video: DIY Vintage Letter. Wax Seal. Hogwarts. Harry Potter (October 2024).