Three-component face scrub


One of the important facial cleansing procedures, which is necessary for the skin to look well-groomed and healthy, is scrubbing. Scrub - a cosmetic product containing, among others, an exfoliating component that removes the upper layer of the skin, which consists of dead cells that interfere with its timely renewal.
You can make a face scrub from natural products that are available in every home. In this case, you can be sure of their quality and origin. You can prepare the mixture in small quantities and select the composition that you like and will work best with the sample method.
The three ingredients that are used to make the scrub in the recipe below are coffee, activated carbon, and honey. The combination may seem a little strange, but each of these products has a number of useful properties and will help make the skin more healthy and clean.
Coffeemore precisely, the caffeine contained in it, helps to activate blood circulation, makes the skin more elastic, smoothes and reduces the number of wrinkles. For the preparation of scrubs, both freshly ground coffee is used, as well as the grounds remaining after preparing the hot drink. For this recipe, dry powder is taken, it acts more actively.
Activated carbon how a sponge absorbs toxins, freeing the skin from them. The number of black spots will decrease, skin inflammation will go away, since coal destroys bacteria and removes excess fat from the pores on the face.
Honey - soft base for scrub. It has an antibacterial effect and is a natural antioxidant, softening and healing, providing a rejuvenating effect. One of the goals of using honey as part of a cosmetic product is moisturizing and nourishing, which is exposed to the mechanical effect of skin scrub.
All three products work as exfoliators, exfoliating dead cells and accelerating their renewal.

Step 1: Ingredients

To prepare the scrub, equal parts of ground coffee and honey and half of the activated carbon are taken. That is, for 1 tablespoon of coffee and 1 tablespoon of honey you need only 0.5 tablespoon of activated charcoal. Such a quantity of ingredients is enough for one procedure, while the scrub is prepared very easily, and there is no point in immediately mixing it in large quantities.
To avoid injury to the skin, very finely ground coffee should be taken without fillers or flavors. Activated carbon tablets must be finely crushed. Honey is often the cause of allergic reactions, it is recommended to first make a test on the back of the hand and only then, if everything is in order, apply the mixture to the face.
  • 1 part ground coffee
  • 1 part honey
  • 1/2 part of activated carbon.

Step 2: Cooking

Put the prepared ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Step 3: Application

Wash your face with warm water to remove dirt and open pores. Scrub is applied only to wet skin. Take a couple of minutes, gently rubbing the scrub in a circular motion throughout the face, avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes and lips. It is also good to make massaging movements along massage lines, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the ears. Use cool water to rinse. This will help reduce pores and improve blood circulation. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than 2-3 times a week before bedtime or 2 hours before going outside. After removing the scrub, a moisturizer should be applied to the face. It is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin to the means used, redness and itching - signs that the composition of the scrub needs to be adjusted.
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