The circuit works well from 12 volts, which should interest motorists. If we take the full range of the supply voltage, then it lies in the range of 9-20 volts. So the applications of this device can find a lot.
This is truly a super simple circuit to make the LED blink. Of course, there is a large electrolytic capacitor in the circuit, which can steal a lot of space, but this problem can simply be solved using a modern elemental base, such as an SMD capacitor.
Note that the base of the transistor is hanging in the air. This is not a mistake, but a circuit design. The base is not used, since the reverse conductivity of the transistor is used in the work.
Such a flasher can be assembled by hinged installation for about fifteen minutes. Dress the heat shrink tubing and blow the hot air gun. And now you have a generator blinking LEDs. The flashing frequency can be changed by increasing or decreasing the capacitance of the capacitor. The circuit does not need to be configured and works immediately with serviceable circuit elements.
The flasher is very economical in operation, reliable and unpretentious.