How to connect the motor from the washing machine to 220 V


Hello! Often washing machines fail and are thrown into landfills. But some parts and details of cars can still serve and bring many benefits. A classic example is emery and motor washers.
Today I will tell and show you how to properly connect an electric motor from a modern washing machine to an AC voltage of 220 V.
I immediately want to say that such engines do not need a starting capacitor. Just the right connection is enough and the engine will spin in the direction you need.

Motors for washing machines. In my case, the connection block has six wires, there can only be four in yours.
This is how she looks. First, two white wires we do not need. This is the output from the engine speed sensor. We mentally exclude them or even bite off with wire cutters.

Next are the wires: red and brown are wires from the stator windings.

The last two wires: gray and green - wires from the rotor brushes.

Everything seems to be clear. Now about the inclusion of all windings in a single circuit.


Motor winding circuit. The stator windings are connected to each other in series, so two wires come out of them.

Connection to a network of 220 V

We just need to turn on the stator and rotor windings in series. Yes, everything turns out to be very, very simple.

We connect, we check.

The motor shaft spins to the left.

How to change the direction of rotation?

You just need to swap the wires of the rotor brushes between each other and that's it. This is how it will look on the diagram:

Spin the other way.

You can also make a reverse switch and change the direction of rotation of the shaft when necessary.
For more detailed instructions on connecting the motor to a 220 V network, see the video.


Watch the video: Run a 220V Washing Machine Motor at 12V DC UPS Battery - Full Explanation, Wiring, Connections (October 2024).